‘Testimonials of actual KCSA Patients’ (Patients’ true identities have been protected)
‘I cannot compare this treatment to any other. Close to a miracle!’
‘I now want to go shopping, go to the park and not just stay in my room all the time.’
‘Antidepressants have been plasters. Infusion therapy is surgery.’
‘I was a derelict house. Infusion therapy began renovations. Now I feel like a mansion.’
‘I came home to see the old Dave. He was cheerful, bright and bushy tailed.’
‘Molly has had the most amazing experience. She hasn’t laughed in about 6-months so it was wonderful to see her animated and laughing. (Mother of a 14-year-old depressed, suicidal girl after only two infusions)’ – January 2020
‘My sister was with us for 10-days over the Christmas season and the change in her was remarkable! She was cheerful and engaging. (Sister of a 71-year-old profoundly depressed woman who was placed in care due to her depression – after four infusions).’ – January 2020